Hershey Kiss by Chellsea

One day my mom wanted to get a dog.
So we found out that someone in Ohio had a bunch of dogs
called Chinese Shar-Pei. We chose one dog.
I went with my mom to go and pick him up at the airport.
He was the cutest and quietest little puppy ever.
On the way home he cuddled up in my lap.
At that time he was only a few weeks old.
Time went on and we both were growing up with each other.
Every time I had gotten home from school I went right outside to
play with him. He wasn’t just my dog but my whole life.
Then the unthinkable happened.
My mom all of a sudden moved to Florida and then eventually
divorced my dad. In which this left my dad with all the bills.
So he told me he would have to keep Hershey at his friends
house until we moved. Days weeks and even months went by.
Then I heard the most devastating news ever.
Hershey got hit by a speeding vehicle.
I cried all night. And I still do.
I really don’t think I will ever have a dog that could
even come close to where Hershey
was in my heart.

I will never forget my bestest friend.



Hershey Kiss