Irie by Edward and Heather Hixon / Irie the best dog we ever had

From the first day Eddie got her she could fit in your palm of your hand. She was so innocent until she chewed everything from a shoe to the corner of the coffee table, but she learned. She was so good that you could put a dog biscuit in front of her and she wouldn’t get it until you told her to. Irie was so protective of us that if someone hit you or anything (including smacking yourself) she would be their barking.

Eddie couldn’t even shake someone’s hand without her being their barking. It was so devastating the morning we woke up not knowing she died. No signs. I knew something was wrong when I came home and her food was still in her dish. That’s when we saw her laying behind the chair dead. We stood their holding each other crying.

I miss her waiting at the door when I come home or playing catch with her favorite ball. Her name was Irie for a reason because it meant “good” in Jamacian and she was a well behaved dog; she lessoned, and she never went to the bathroom in the house. She left a lot of memories that won’t be forgotten. It’s weird, but at night I could still hear her walking down the hallway on the hardwood floor to our room,
with her toe nails hitting the floor.

Even our pet raccoon named Trash misses her. Irie trained the raccoon when he was only 6 weeks old to play tug-a-war with stuff animals. Now my raccoon has been so depressed that he took all of the stuff animals and put it behind the tv and won’t let anyone touch them. I just want to say Irie we miss you and that oneday will meet again. You won’t be forgotten. We still love you and we always will.
You were like a child to us.


With love,
Edward and Heather Hixon