Miata by Amanda /


Miata was beautiful and I loved him from the minute I saw him and it wasn’t just your typical “I love my dog” it was more.
We had someting. Something special!

We learned how to play soccer together. He learned everything I learned. Did everything I did. We had an incredibly close bond. I always knew one day I would have to give it up but I just hoped it could be togther. Although I’m only 20 and he was 14.

He started to get real sick. Turns out he had cancer. I just wanted so badly for him to be better but it never came. His once beautiful coat was almost all gone due to falling out and he had terrible pains trying to get up. I knew it was time although wished it wasn’t.

The night I decided I needed to quit being selfish I researched Euthansia. Didn’t want to do it but I loved him. I sat by his side as he took his last breath, had my hand on his heart as his heart beated for the last time. I kissed his head and told him I loved him for the last time. I cried the whole time and days after. I went home that day and cried and cried. I had finally quit crying for a few moments and then my 4 year old niece asked me “where’s my Miata?” I lost it. I feel like
my heart’s been ripped out.

It’s hard to feel like I did the right thing when I feel so guilty and heartbroken…. I know he wouldn’t have wanted to die alone in pain and I hope he knows I miss dearly!


I love you, my little Prince.