Itsy Bitsy by Lillie Mueller / Your mother

A very good friend of mine who had a wonderful little poodle by the name of Kimmie who I had grown to love told me when she had puppies that for a very reduced price I could have one. At a time when they were selling for at least $250.00 she sold her to me for $75.00. I was reluctant at first to take on the responsibility of another dog we already had a Lhaso Apso named Mopsy, but I did make the decision and chose the runt. My friend told me that she was very happy that I had chosen the runt because it might have been hard to find an owner for her. Well that was their loss because she gave me fifteen years of true devotion, humor at her crazy little antics and a very deep emotional understanding shared between the two of us.

She may have been a runt, but she had no idea. She would always chase the neighbor’s big black lab home, and that was even after an incidence that happened to her when she was just a puppy and she was trying to be too friendly with a German Shepherd who decided he would like to eat her. I was willing to risk life and limb to rescue her, but it’s owner came and pulled it off.

There are so many wonderful memories of Itsy. I have a photo of my husband and myself taken in an old fashioned studio with her on my lap when she was just a puppy that I will cherish the rest of my life. Whenever we traveled in the car she would always crawl onto my arm so that she could look out the window, and I called her my little cow girl.

Her and Mopsy were always rivals jealous of each other, and we quite often had to pull them off of each other. We lost our beloved Mopsy just eight months before Itsy died so I wonder if they fight in Heaven as much As they did here on earth.

I have taken great comfort in the poem rainbow bridge since they both passed; because someday I want to see them again and we will ramp and dance together like we once did. Itsy loved to dance but in the latter years of her life she went blind, and she just didn’t have the enthusiasm for life that she once did which makes me very sad when I think about it. The poem Rainbow Bridge gives me comfort in that they are now running and playing with other dogs and without any physical handicaps and my heart bursts when I think that someday they both might look up from playing with these other dogs and see me coming and run to meet me and we can share our love through eternity then.


Itsy you can see again you are free my angel,
Itsy Bitsy
Lillie Mueller