
June 1996 —- June 23 2000


I remember the day so well when Jack and his

sister Jake came into my life.

I had told my mother that I wanted one of the kittens that she had

been taking care of since the death of their mother.

They were all so small and very cute.

Each had a personality of their own.

I went to my mother’s with my then husband and I

just couldn’t decide which one that I wanted so I took them both.

When we first brought them home we thought that they both were

male kittens that is why his sister has a male name.

By the time we realized she was a girl it was too late to

change her name.

I took such good care of them both.

They became my best friends especially JACK.

I had battled lots of things in the last 4 years with the both of them

but JACK knew me like a book. He licked my tears when I cried

he sat at my bed when I was sick and gave me joy when I was sad.

He and his sister were always together like frick and frack.

I just never realized that my pets knew me so well.

We had been thru divorce together illnesses and

moving several times.

Jack was taken from me so quick that I still feel like it is not real.

His sister is so lonely but we have each other.

JACK and I had our own language we would communicate quite well

he just knew he was loved by our lingo.

It was kinda corny to those who did not know but we knew what it meant.

I only had 24hrs from the time that JACK was taken to the vet until

the time that I had to make the hardest decision of my life.

He was very ill and his liver was so damaged that that his

chance of survival was 0%. He had to go to heaven before his time.

I took him to the vet and I was there with him thru it all.

I know that last thing that JACK heard was “I LOVE YOU”

then he was gone.

At least I got to say good-bye his sister Jake never got to do that.

Now when just wonders,” where is my brother”.

I had jack cremated and he is back home with us.

I still hear him cry sometimes and I still feel him here with me.

He was a true best friend and if I had only know how little he would

have been in my life I would have made my love for him even more

stronger that it already was.

There was not a day that went by that I did not tell jack that I loved him

and that he was my best friend and in his own way he did they same.

To end this story I just want to say just before jack got sick,

my fiancĂ©’ got a kitten for his 4 year old daughter we called her Maybelle.

I feel that she was given to us because GOD knew that Jack was

leaving us soon. Maybelle too is a stray that we rescued.

She acts alot like jack did when he was a kitten she loves that water

and laying in the sink. She loves to kiss me on the nose and

she loves to play. Kinda eerie sometimes.


this page is for you… you are missed so much but I know that you are not

suffering anymore and you are in heaven smiling down on me…

I love you!!!!

Your Mama…..

