Jack by Jeff and Kathy / Four forever in my heart

I recall the day me and my wife bought this big ol’ house.I was thinking about how nice it would be to have a loving dog to keep us company in it. We are unable to have children so an animal would have been the next best thing. I got to my PC and looked up local agencies that you could adopt from and came across a local Boxer rescue.

I submitted my name and a few days later got a call from a woman that I had left a message with. She explained to me that the rescue was now defunct because she was going to have a baby and didn’t have time for both so I gave up hope. I thought about it for a few days and quickly got online and tried a few more agencies but there was nothing to our liking.

Then my phone rang one day and it was a woman from a rescue who asked if we we’re still interested in adopting a dog and of course I jumped at the chance. After a brief chat we agreed a house visit would be the next order. No sooner had I hung the phone up and it rang a few minutes later and it was another woman. She said she had a Boxer she thought I might like to see could I please come over. Confused,I made the comment that “you didn’t even look at my house yet”. She asked me what I was talking about.I told her I just talked to a woman on the phone from the rescue and she was to stop by over the weekend.Still confused,she told me she got my name from the original woman who I had contacted about adopting a Boxer and the business was no longer in service and she was not associated with any rescues and she was a home owner with a dog for free…a Boxer named Jack.

We went to her house and as I opened the door to the Jeep to get out, Jack jumped in. He would not get out of the Jeep and barked incessantly. So the decision was made. About a 2 year span had lapsed and Jack started to have seizures, each one worse than the last until it totally controlled his everyday habits. He finally died after battling long and hard to make us happy but in the end the “demon tumors” won.

We have since adopted another Boxer,a white one we call “Casper” but the truth being his name should be “resurrection angel”. He has every characteristic of Jack and then some to the point it’s spooky.The way he eats and walks and looks at me and the things he does when we’re not home are all exactly the same as my beloved lost buddy. If there exists resurrection from the dead,Casper is living proof. We love and dearly miss Jack and will never forget him. The death anniversary is coming up and I will place flowers on his grave which is in our yard where he rests peacefully for ever and ever. Casper is now a loving part of the family but I want you to know Jack that nothing could replace you. I wrote you a poem as a tribute and no poetry has ever came so easy yet
so hard for me.

Thanks for all your love and devotion in your short life and I look forward to the day I see you again as I know its coming………

Love Jeff and Kathy(mommy and daddy)


Love you always and forever,
Jeff and Kathy