
Sept. 12 1989 —- April 27 2001


Jackie when Daddy and Uncle Bobby surprised me

with you on Dec 27 1989 you were my angel sent from above.

When I opened the bathroom door thinking the toilet overflowed

(that’s what Uncle Bobby said); you were there with your fluffy black

with white face chest and feet to greet me with a smile and kisses.

What a joy to find you there!!! You were so cute with your mustache

and gotee that looked like you dipped it in the white paint can

and the sweetest goldish brown eyes that were just gleaming with joy.

I was so depressed over my hysterectomy at 27 and the fact that

Daddy and I couldn’t have biological children together that I thought life

could not go on. You became my daughter I would never have with Daddy.

You were and will always be my angel !!!! You were so cute and lovable

24 hrs a day. There wasn’t anything you did that didn’t bring a smile

to everyone you met and you knew you were cute right?

You became MY Jackie- short for Jacqueline. Today is Mothers Day 2001

and I miss you so very much. We would normally go to the park and hang out.

Today I can’t go to the park I have to stay home with you and just hug

your oak container. Although I know your spirit is still here

(“cause I hear the jingling of all your medals)

I wish I had your belly to rub and your smile to see.

God told us it was time to let you go onto Rainbow Bridge so you could

be rid of your foley catheter and pee on your own up there.

We thank God that you were never sick up until Feb 11 of this year ’cause

these past 11.5 yrs were a total joy with you.

We couldn’t see you with your frown anymore that wasn’t you.

I thank you for all the laughs smiles kisses hugs and most of all for being

the good girl that you always were. You never gave Mommy or Daddy a bit

of trouble even as a puppy.

We hope you know how much we truly loved you.

Daddy still stops at the pet store to get you a treat every day and

then forgets you’re up on the bridge.

Hope your getting alot of treats up there esp the beef bagel treats you

loved so much. I miss you waiting for me to come out of the shower so you

could rub yourself on my towel after I dried licking the toothpaste off my chin,

breaking chops for a treat watching TV on top of the couch in between

our heads and laying at my feet on our bed and greeting me when the

alarm went off in the morning with your famous licks and belly rubs.

I still talk to you as I blow dry my hair and get dressed like we did.

Hope you hear my words of love to you.

We want you to know we did everything we could for you after cancer

was ruled out then when the infections cleared up and you still couldn’t pee

they found a flap of tissue that was cancer. We chose to let you have peace,

you looked so tired miserable and uncomfortable.

For every ounce of love you gave us unselfishly we felt the best thing

to do for you was to let you have peace joy sunshine and we did

that unselfishly for you!!

The decision did not come easily but when we asked

“What does Jackie need and deserve it was then we got our answer.”

We hope you had a good time at the beach park and car rides every day

during your last two weeks with us.

Are you riding the clouds enjoying the breeze in your face?

I miss having you on my lap with your face out the window running

errands with me. But you will always be over my left shoulder while I’m driving.

I thank you so much for showing me purpose and meaning to life.

You are and will always by my Guardian Angel.


Till we meet at the gates


Please don’t be upset we have another daughter “ROXY”

but the house was so empty without you.

Love always,

Mommy and Daddy

