Jake – aka Bubba by Colleen and Aaron Aho / Colleen, Aaron, Cheyenne, Savannah & Dallas

I put the title of this story as Feed Jake for two reasons. He was a such a chow hound, but also because I love the song, Feed Jake (he’s been a good dog – my best friend, right through it all – If I die before I wake… feed Jake).
I always wanted to name a dog Jake because of that song. While I named all my other dogs after cities and states, Jake was fitting for Jake. He was big and stinky, and was rude to other dogs, but to us, you could not ask for a better friend or a better hugger.

We had to put Jake to sleep today after the cancer that had been in his spleen and was removed six weeks ago came back in his liver.

He hugged me this morning like he usually does – even though he was in pain. As hard as it is, my husband and I know we did the right thing. We were blessed to have this wonderful, big stinky dog in our lives for as long as we did. We will always love him and while we will miss his hugs, we are forever grateful for the 9 years we got to have him in our lives. We love you Bubba.


Big Hugs...
Jake - aka Bubba
Colleen and Aaron Aho