Jake and CK by Pat / Your human mom..Pat

Jake and CK were born in November of 1987. They were two out of a litter of seven that my beloved Trudy had given to me right before Thanksging. No greater gift could I have ever received. Jake was the first to bond with me…and then my precious CK. Through the years…we grew so close. They were my children in heart and soul. They protected me..gave me comfort and loved me unconditionally. I loved them just as much and would grow to love them more than I could have ever thought. With each tear I cried…Jake and CK would lick them away.

When laughter abounded..they were estactic with joy. Always ready to play….always glad to be with mom. Last Year…in January…at fourteen years of age..Jake fell and could no longer walk. I made the decision to let him go with the dignity he deserved. It broke my heart…in my grief…I saw too poor CKs. She had never been without Jake. She searched forever for him. Refusing to come into the house..waiting ever so sweetly for him to return. When he did not…she grieved and searched.

If animals can cry…you could see the tears in CKs eyes. My grief mirrored in hers. CK stayed though. She grew older and less sure of herself. Never ever giving up her spot..waiting for her brother Jake to return. There love for each other was very special.

Today the eighth of Feburary…a year and a month later…I set CK free. I can envision the joy that was shared by Jake and CK when they saw each other again. That is the only solace I have. I am left now..to grieve for both of them. I miss them so much. I miss their strength and courage; their love and loyalty. I can only pray..that they both can still feel my love across the heavens and know that mom will always love them. I carry the vision of their reunion in my heart now. God speed my babies.

May you play..pain free now. Wait for me…and when it is my time..greet me with those special kisses. Until then…my love will never weaken and my spirit will always remain with the both of you. I love you my babies. You will be in my memories and forever in my heart and soul.

Rest in peace until you greet me at the bridge. Thank you both for the love…and loyalty you gave to me. I was so blessed to have shared my life with both of you.


Love..you both forever..
Jake and CK