Jake by Connie and Nick / Mommy and Daddy

On July 29,2005 we had to put our 15 year old English Springer Spaniel down. Our dog Jake had such a personality. He was a true people dog and had to be with you every second. We got him before we were married and I still consider him my first baby. He had been through so much with us and always aimed to please. We had so many nicknames for him. Here are a few, “Jakey, “Jake the Snake”,” Little Man”,”Buddy”,”Love Dog” and Jakester”. He had cancer which invaded his lungs. He was so strong till the end, everyone was amazed including the vet that he was still walking around until that day in July. That final day when he did not get up and would not eat his treats. He was suffering so much and needed us to help him be at peace. When he took his last breath he looked up at me as if to say “Thank You”.


We will alway love you and miss you,
Connie and Nick