JD by Laura / Mom & Dad

I remember the first day I got you. I knew I could not have a dog because I was still living with Grandpa and Grandma. I always wanted a Siberian husky and when I saw you through the window, I knew I had to have you. Dad took you for a while to live with him, until Grandpa and Grandma let me bring you home. You went every where with me. I remember you ate the inside of my car when I left you in there. I was so upset, but life goes on. You where just mad because I left you alone. You hated to be left alone.

I remember you always wanted to play fetch or tug a war with me. You use to bring every toy you had to play with you. I miss you so much. I miss your gorgeous blue eyes and how in the morning they would be really little blue. I miss every night how you would run to the bedroom door ready for bed and then jump on the bed to sleep with me. I miss how you would jump up and give me hugs and kisses.

I remember the night before you past. You where sleeping on the bean bag. I thought it was so cute. I took tons of pictures of you. I took a picture of your blue eyes. Every time I miss your face, I just look at that picture and I feel all better just to see your face. You left us too soon. You where only 2 years old and I hoped for many more years with you. You just loved to run and that is what you died doing. I always feared that you would get hit by a car, but never thought is would actually happen. I want you to know I was out looking for you the whole night. My heart was broken when I found you.

I miss you so much and nothing is the same without you. You will always be in my heart. You where my first dog and I could never replace you or the love I have for you. I just have to wait for the day where I will be reunited with you. Until then run and play your heart out.


Love Always,