Jefferson by Jennifer Tait / Jenn & Family

Jefferson came into our lives on October 9 2001 we adopted him from the SPCA. The short time he was with us he gave the family lots of joy. He loved to get attention from anyone who came to the house. He would jump on them to get someone to pet him and get attention. Jefferson was very protective of my children and myself. Where ever I went he went with me wether it be to the bathroom or when I was on the computer he would sit on the floor next to me. when he wanted attention he would come up to me and lift my hand on to his head for pettings.
On July 30 2002 Jefferson was in the park with my husband and youngest child when one of the children that lived on our street ( one of the kids that liked to tease Jefferson when he was outside) wanted to pet him and the child was told not to go near him my husband knew about this kid teasing him. The child did not listen and went over to him anyway well Jefferson knocked him down and bit the child it wasnt a bad bite just enough to scare him off. The childs parents threw a fit as any parent would. On August 5 2002 we were told to bring Jefferson to the SPCA so they could observe him to see if he had rabies When we got to the SPCA we had to take off his collar and leash,they then took him to the back. We were then told to pay $40 so they could put him down I explained that we were supposed to bring him in to be observed and were told because he bit someone he had to be put down. This devestated us we were lied to. Now we have to deal with wondering if Jefferson thinks we didnt want him or didnt love him. Which is not true. We will always love him and remember him for all the fun times he gave us.


Sadly Missed and loved
Jennifer Tait