Jennie Eveleen Malin by Valery Malin / Mommy, Seamas, Shareen & Liam

White Dove of the Wild Dark Eyes

White Dove of the wild dark eyes
Faint silver flutes are calling
From the night where the star-mists rise
And fire-flies falling
Tremble in starry wise,
Is it you they are calling?

White Dove of the beating heart
Shrill golden reeds are thrilling
In the woods where the shadows start,
While moonbeams, filling
With dreams the floweret’s heart
Its dreams are thrilling.

White Dove of the folded wings,
Soft purple night is crying
With the voice of fairy things
For you, lest dying
They miss your flashing wings,
Your splendorous flying.

by Joseph Plunkett


Until we meet again, all our love,
Jennie Eveleen Malin
27, July 2002
Valery Malin