I Miss You
Jingles…. you always were the thing to light up my life.. when I came from school, you were looking at me with that beautiful little face of yours. I still have a picture of you on my dresser, in the corner of my heart. You were the thing that I desired, the thing to cheer me up on the days that weren’t the best.
When I found out that you got a tumor, I was
scared to tell anyone. Your small face glaring at me almost saying : “What is going to happen?”
I knew what was going to happen, and i was horibbly terrified by the results. It felt as if my heart was being shot at. I told Mom after I felt she needed to know.
What I’m saying, Jingles, is that you were the greatest pet. You were always tired, so when I picked you up, you always were falling alseep on my lap. When ever someone mentions the word ‘hamsters’, I think of you. Sometimes, a tear comes to my eye and I feel all of that grief and sadness I felt when you passed away.
You were the joy to my life, and i’m letting you know all of the happiness I had when you were around. Jingles, I love you!
We Miss You
Jingles |
Holly Bolton |