JOEY {GIZI} by Benita and Willaim Brown / mommy

I REMEMBER THE DAY YOUR DAD BROUGHT ME TO THIS HOUSE TO PICK OUT A PUPPY CHISTMAS EVE. I LOOKED AT THE LITTER OF PUPPIES. THERE IN THE MIDDLE WAS THIS YELLOW PUPPY BEING QUIET AND AFRAID I KNEW YOU WERE THE ONE AT ONLY SIX WEEKS OLD AT WAS LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. I wrapped you in a blanket and carried you home; for the first month your dad thought you coudn’t walk because I carried you every where. HE called you GIZI because he said you looked like a grimlin.

You loved seafood AND to play with daddy or just sitting on my lap the way you wAged your tail when I told you every day I loved you was like you understood and loved me to. You were taken from us so suddenly; it was so painful for me. I’m glad I got to tell you I loved you that morning but the gieving goes on and on you where my compaion and my friend how does one go on but to remember the good times we shared playing ball together: stealing daddy’s socks. As soon as he put them down falling to sleep in my arms while I rocked you. WE miss YOU Joey(GIZI)


Benita and Willaim Brown