Jose by Pat / mom

I really, really, love you
I really, really, do
Brown eyes that said
I love you, too
Jose … Jose so faint just a trace
Brought a leap to my chest
For that hug face to face.

So many signs, why couldn’t’t I see
Today you’d still be close to me
“I love you mom”, remember this smile
I must be going in a little while.

The day will come you’ll look back and see
My hug was for you, and not for me
You see its my time, to run with the wind
Release the thoughts of what might have been.

I’ll always be with you especially in bed
Faithful and true right next to your head
When I felt your fright, your face in alarm,
It was my choice alone, to protect you from harm
God called me home, to he gave me a star
A braveheart shines brightly, for you from afar.


See ya ....
24, Oct 2002