Justin by Darcy



March 15 1981 ----- August 16 1999



In Loving Memory of Justin


You came to me as a young horse,

I was so excited to have you of course.

We had so much fun being a team,

We were meant for each other or so it seemed.


We did our pony club our lessons trail rides and shows,

And I loved you so much as everyone knows.

You were a winner you knew how to shine,

You always made me proud that you were mine.


You always wanted to be a friend,

I don't know if my heart will ever mend.

You see I let you go when I was a teen,

I did it for you I wasn't trying to be mean.


I didn't have time to care for you right,

I was a teen I stayed out all night.

So I let you go right in your prime,

So other kids could enjoy you and have a good time.


I hope you know I only wanted the best for you,

Yes it made me sad it made me blue.

But I never forgot you you were always on my mind,

Because you were so gentle and so kind.


As I grew older your memory grew strong,

I knew I needed you back I couldn't wait long.

You were growing older as so was I,

Were these kids gonna let you go? I could only try.


At first it was a go you were coming home to me,

It was meant to be can't you see?

I couldn't believe it another dream come true,

Just like old times together just me and you.


But then your kids didn't want to let go,

I knew how they felt more than they know.

More time went by nothing could fill your void,

I wanted you back I was getting annoyed.


Finally came the day the kids had no time to play,

And you came home to me where you would stay.

You filled all my desires and cravings of having you back,

You were back at my side we were on the right track.


But when you came home nothing was the same,

You had gone blind I felt I was to blame.

If I had kept you all these years,

Would things be different would I be in tears?


Would you have gone blind or would you be able to see?

I could only hope you didn't blame me.

I wanted you to stay with me but you weren't doing well,

Living in your dark world was a torturous hell.


I did all I could to try to make it right,

But you just couldn't adjust not having your sight.

So I did the awful deed and had you laid to rest,

So you could be free and run with the best.


I'll never forget you Justin you'll always be in my heart,

Because you know I loved you right from the start.
























