Kim by Megan Hinson / Megan

I remember when I got Kim, I was in the 3rd Grade, and we couldn’t find a name for her, and then there was an address sticker on the box the lady brought her in, and Kimberly just seemed to fit her so well. Her back right leg was crushed from where someone had run over her but she was still perfect. I remember being able to hold her in my arms and then the next thing I remember she was huge. But she was so sweet.

She was so funny. She would love to catch the mice in the barn, and she was good too! I’m sure that’s what she’s doing now at Rainbow Bridge. She loved me so much, I remember being able to go out to her pen and just hugging her and it seemed as crazy as it appears, that she would hug me back, and then she would put her paw on my leg like she knew. She was very old. She died Dec. 22, 03 and I knew it would be hard to bear, but never thought it would be impossible thus far it is.
I know she is at Rainbow Bridge waiting for me.


Until We Meet Again....
Megan Hinson