Kiowa by Kaylie / Kaylie and Mommy

Kiowa(pronounced like “Iowa” but with a “K” at the beginning)was an old friend who will be dearly missed by the ones who loved him very much. He will forever live on in our hearts.
When my mom brought him home I wasn’t even born yet! But I can still tell you his beloved tale. According to my mom Kiowa was the only black and white kitten in the bunch. My mom and I both have an attraction to odd balls. My mom really wanted him, but the owner, my mom’s friend, said someone had already been looking into taking him. Heart broken my mom went home in disappointment.

A few weeks later, my mom got a call from her friend saying the person looking to take Kiowa changed her mind. So right away, my mom went out to her friends house and picked him up. And ever since
he’s been a part of our family.
When she brought him home our old dog Buddy, a Labrador Golden Retriever mix, thought Kiowa was his play toy! they would play cops and robbers all through the house! The only problem for Buddy was that He couldn’t retract his claws like Kiowa could, so he would slide on the kitchen linoleum while Kiowa would turn the corner with ease and hop up on the counter as Buddy ran into the wall! My mom said the expression on Kiowa’s face said “You stupid dog!”
When Kiowa had to go get neutered and declawed he couldn’t play with Buddy no more. But he was determined to go and be with Buddy! So he climbed out of his box and crawled to Buddy on his elbows!!! Then there was Sarah Lee, our other cat. Kiowa would try to play with her but she was too old for him and had no time for his nonsense. She would smack him in the head when he tried to play with her and you could hear the “Click” sound her claws made when they met his skull!
He wasn’t hurt or anything.

He was relatively healthy up until the one time he had a blood bubble in his left ear when he was about 14, 15 years old. It was caused from shaking his head violent, which broke a blood vessel in his ear. He had surgery to drain it, wore a cone on his head for a few weeks, and came out ok, except that his ear would never stand up right again.

He remained healthy until just recently when he became sick. It started when my mom noticed he was laying in his water bowl. Yes you read right, IN his water bowl. That was definitely not normal behavior. Then he quit eating all together. He also would sit with his nose in a corner of the basement. He seemed like he was punishing himself. We knew it wasn’t the new kitten we got about 2 weeks ago.


Forever in our Hearts,