Kyle by Kathy / Mommy, Daddy and Priscilla

Kyle and I were together for nearly sixteen years. I picked him out of a litter of six. He was the ugly one and I felt he needed the most love, as everybody laughed because his head was the largest part of his body. As it turned out, the “Big Head” turned into one beautiful cat. Kyle gave us so much love and joy, always full of energy and quick to give affection to anyone who was around. On May 15th we got the devastating news. They had found a tumor between his heart and lung and could not operate.

Up until that point he was just as healthy as anything. Now his breathing had become labored and his appetite was all but gone. “Kyle-boy that was the worst day of your Mommy’s life, but I Loved you so much and could not let you suffer.” With that, we said good bye
but you will never be forgotten.

A life-time of memories will forever be remembered for as long as I live. Your step-sister, Priscilla, misses her little fur-ball brother and is still looking for you under the bed. You will always be missed but not a day will go by without thinking of you and remembering the love and
joy you brought to all of us.


In Memory of Our Kyle,