‘LADY’ by Kirke & Lorrie / Your Daddy and Mommy

My husband was asked if he wanted a dog, his reply was sure, but maybe in a month or so. Well, the next day Lady was brought to his office, collar, lease and all – that was in 1994 and the beginning of a relationship for all of us that was one of the most loving and rewarding experiences of our lives.

I already had (and still do) a 16 year kitty. Well, needless to say, Tigger did not take to well to Lady. But over time, he tolerated her !
Lady always wanted to play with Tigger, but during those playful moments received a few swats or two on the nose ! Lady would just come back for more !

Over the years, they both got closer. During the last few months of our girl’s illness, Tigger began getting even closer to her – they both would lie in the sun together almost side by side. It was such a beautiful site to see. I would open the blinds to let the sunshine in, and there they would go – over to the large window and stretch out with such content.

Lady was the kind of dog who loved everyone. She loved kids and all of her “pup” buddies in our neighborhood. She was such a happy girl. Always greeting us at the door, tail wagging like crazy, smiling from one ear to another, and kisses after kisses on our feet, legs, anywhere !

She is missed terribly and our home is empty without her. We realized it was time to let her go. She let us know. It was almost like she would look up at me during her last days and say “Mom, i’m tired, just so tired”. Our hearts ache so. But we know she has crossed over the bridge into that beautiful place and she is no longer suffering and is at peace.

Lady, you were and will always be our special baby girl.

We will see you at the bridge………..


We Miss You So Much - You Are With Us Always,
Kirke & Lorrie