Little Muffie by Barbara Wilson / mommie & daddy

WEll my little one tis time for me to send out love to you from daddy & mommie. We miss you so much & even tho this the day that you left us doesn`t mean that we have forgotten you. Time has went so fast (4yrs )& little muffie I will always leave a tribute to you this time of the yr. I know that you are not in pain now & running free with all your little friends at rainbow bridge. It was hard to leave you go but dad & I knew it was time. We had to & little one our hearts will always be with you always remember that. We know that your looking down from heaven at us each day & as we see the bright star we know it is you. Well, little one, mommie has to go leaving you with all my love. Nite little one mommie loves you.


Love always to my little Muffie,
Little Muffie
26, Feb 2002
Barbara Wilson