Little One & Baby by Deb & Family

In loving memory of our
two Little Baby girls.
We knew we had to take
you home on first sight.
Having you both made
our family so right.

We brought you home
together strangers
From the start not long after
love grew in your heart.

You taught each other
how to play and play free
Chasing each another
up every tree.
No mouse us safe with the
girls about the mouse.
Would be caught
there was no doubt.

Little One went first
leaving our hearts to hurt.
We write this now with
a heavy hearts for God has
taken our Baby home
for reasons unknown.
A bigger hole now
left in our hearts.
We know they are safe
in God’s hands there
is no doubt.

In God’s hand
He will shield them from pain
God only knows why
he has taken them only four months
apart they will live forever
in our hearts.

They lay side by side
strangers from the start
Chance made them sisters
with love in their hearts.
Love made them friends
never to part.

Someday we will think
of you and no longer hurt.
Here on earth you live
forever in our heart.

In loving memory for
our Little Baby girls

“Little One” 07/29/01
“Baby” 11/07/01

Rest in piece our
Little Baby Girls
for you are gone
but will never be forgotten.

Dad Mom Sam Casey
Dallas and Lucy


Little One & Baby
29, July 2001 & Nov. 7 2001
Deb & Family