Lizzy by Emma / Emma your mommy

I got a Irish setter x Staffordshire Bull Terrier in the year 2008. I miss you my little girl. Why did you go. Lizzy my 5month old little puppy sadly died of a virus called Parvo. We were told that Lizzy was fully vaccinated but she was not but we didn’t know.

Parvo is a disease that can kill dogs that are not vaccinated. And sadly we lost our little white puppy due to it. We only had Lizzy for a week, but during that week we had a strong connection. I remember counting the days the minutes and the hours waiting to get my first dog. We had her for a week but for 6 of them days she spent in the vet on a drip. The people who sold us her said they were very sorry but that couldn’t bring back our puppy they even offered us our money back [100euro] but my dad refused so then they offered us a new dog
but that couldn’t replace Lizzy.

I love you Lizzy just remember that you will never be forgotten. I whispered something in Lizzy’s ear before she died and only Lizzy knows what that is. Until we meet again. R.I.P my puppy Lizzy. My guinea-pig georgie and my hamsters Humphery, Brookie and Angel, none of you will be forgotten.

Just remember you may be gone from sight but every time I look out my window at your grave I know you will never be gone from my heart.
You are in a good place now. The man above will look after you and he will make sure nothing bad will happen ever again.


With all my love I have to offer,