Skansen’s Moonlight Madness II
Affectionately known as “Looney Tunes”
A Giant Schnauzer who taught me how to love.
I lived behind a wall of brick
That love could not seep through
How hard I was from suffering
How is it that you knew?
Just how to take a brick or two
Away with you each day
And bury it away from me
Then take me out to play.
Twas you that found the child
So hidden deep within
That never laughed who walked afraid
To laugh to sing to live.
You bounced into my rigid heart
And gave me life anew.
You found the seed of love in me
And coaxed it till it grew.
You gave it life and sun and hope
And when my love was great.
The angels took you from my life
Great Love begot Great Ache.
Although I sit in anguish
For the power that you were
I thank the Lord for sending you
Majestic Angel in Black Fur.
Know this my love my Looney Tunes
If at the Rainbow Bridge you wait
Soon I’ll come to gather you
And walk you through that gate.
Forever Yours
Barbara Layton
Looney Tunes |
29, September 2000 |
Barbara Layton |