LUCKY by Ken Burlingame / Your Dad,,,Misses You,,Always and Allways

I remember that I went to the New San Diego Animal Center, at 5040 Gaines St, and looked at all the Dogs that were up for Adoption.

I looked at You, sitting on your little Bed, said “Boy are you Pretty”,,and continued on, then went out the Door and to Home. Another week or so went by, and on October 13, 2002, came back to look again for any new Fur Babies…Saw you again, kept looking and walked to the Front Desk, and put my name in for an Adoption of You.

The Lady at the Desk, informed me that I was number 4 !, I thought, theres no way, that I would get to have you. I went outside and sat on the Cement Bench there. After a while, I got up to leave and go home.., as I was walking out, something told me to “Go Back and Wait”, and I sat back down. I went into the Office Desk and the Lady told me, that you were brought into the Shelter, with a tag with your Owners, Name, Address, City and Phone Number, as well as the name they had given you, (which to me, just did not fit you).

She said the Shelter had Called them 4-5 times to come get you, with no Response whatsoever. Her Phone Rang, and it was Lady # 1, saying that she decided not to Adopt You. I went back outside to the Bench and sat down again. In the meantime a Man, and his 3 year old Son had arrived, with paperwork in hand, and went into the Office and took a Seat. I smoked and then went back to the Office and the Lady told me, that Family # 2, said that they did not have enough time to drive down from North County.
Again I started back to the Bench, as the Man and his Son, were going to the Counter. I went back to the Bench, and started to leave,,when again something told me…to Go Back and Wait…I don’t know what or who, was tugging at me,,but it sure felt real,and happened more than once…

As I was siting on the Bench, out came the Man and His Son, with Papers in Hand,,,I thought, “Oh No”, they have Adopted you,,but on returning to the Office the Lady told me, that the Man did not have any Authorization from his Landlord to Adopt any kind of Pet…She said, “Your Turn”. I filled out all the Paperwork and my Authorization….and asked her what the Fees would be to Adopt You,just then the Lady said,,say “How Old Are You?”, I said 65 and she said,,,wait here
a Minute, I will be Right Back..after 10 minutes she came back and I said,,so what are the Fees?, she Said “Absolutely Nothing at All”

She told me that a firm called “Silver Bay Kennel Club” was allowing any Senior Citizen that wanted an Animal to Adopt them at no Cost,,and all the Vet and Dog Licenses would be paid by them….

I started to CRY very hard and Thanked her and got the location of the Kennel Club, as I was So Very Grateful. I signed the Papers, and they told me that I had a Vet Appointment the next day to get you Neutered, and a ID Chip put into You. I took you to the Vet and they kept you for a day and a half..went I went back to get you the Woman at their counter said “What are you going to call him”

After thinking of the previous Owners,,the other Folks wanting to Adopt him and not being able to,,,The Vet bill, and licensing being Paid,,,the Kennel Club, I looked at her without any hesitation and said, “LUCKY”

You were so Gentle and Lovable. Never having any type of Accidents in the House,,Sitting and Playing with the Neighbor Kids, they adored You. Sitting on your Hind Legs, when you wanted a Treat and taking it into your Mouth so gently, Playing with your Toys on the Bed at Nightime, nudging me when you wanted me to Pet you, from Head to Tail. Taking you for Daily exercise at the East Valley Hospital Parking Lot, and how the Gals Loved You, at Tyler’s Restaurant in El Cajon,and spoiled you rotten everytime they saw You. And how to were always so anxious to get Bathed and Groomed at Petco, by Tylers place.

You were loved so very much by Everyone that came into contact with you, on account of your loving,gentle nature and behavior, never fighting with either people or animals of any kind..always minding, and you never had a spanking, cause ole Dad here, didn’t believe in hitting…and still doesn’t. Lucky, I miss you so very much daily,,and would give up my life to have you here with me again. I hope that one that watches over you, will Love and Protect you and be kind to you Always and Allways..

Your Dad (Ken)

Your Dad, Loves You With All His Heart
My Best Friend


I Love You SO!!
Ken Burlingame