Madison by Janice Moral / Mommy

I lost my Madison Dec 7, 2006 after 12 wonderful years together! She passed from Breast Cancer. She was a trooper until the end, and was actually only ‘sick’ for 2 1/2 days. She was my best friend & my soul mate! Even after 1 year, I still miss her & love her so very very much! No one can ever replace Madison. She was an angel in life, & I can only imagine that she is an angel now! She brought me years of happiness & was always there for me.

When I was sad, she sat next to me, quietly until she felt it was time to kiss my eyes to make me smile. And that she did! I feel ever so grateful that I was there with her the evening that she passed. She was curled up in between my daughter & myself. I know Madison knew how much we loved her. I sincerely hope that she is the first face that I see when it is my turn to pass from this world to the next! Unfortunately we just lost her ‘sister’, Icee who was only 14 months old!

She passed yesterday from complications of surgery. We only had her for 1 year, and she never even met Madison. I know though, that Madison & Icee are together in Heaven, as they were both such angels! May God Bless them both until it’s time for their mommy to join them!


Forever In My Heart & Soul,
Janice Moral