Maggie & Bobbi by Tracy & Chris / Tracy & Chris


It is said that Autumn is the time of one’s life,
When the bones slowly grow weak and weary.
But it was found through our sorrow and pain
That this summer was more than teary.

It began like all the previous years,
With sun and heat and fun.
But before it was even half way over,
Our loves’ lives were taken and done.

With a heavy heart and teary eyes,
We went forward with the solemn task;
Of burying our dear friend in the cold and dark ground,
With too many questions to ask.

It took awhile for our hearts to heal
As we went along with July.
But even as we wept for our sweet Boo,
There was another reason to cry.

We still had a task at hand to stay
That was just as hard as the first.
To put another dear friend to rest,
but, sadly to help her first.

So, with our love we let her go
And held her to the end.
Did we have regrets? Yes and no.
But it was the best for our friend.

We buried Maggie right next to Bob,
And planted roses on each.
Through they are still with us in our hearts,
We can’t help but think of them as out of reach.

The flowers that bloom help us to know
That life if fragile and sweet.
And when we have our time to go,
They both will be there to greet.

And now the summer is almost done;
The pain is still at hand.
We haven’t forgotten our friends, even though,
The pain numbs as the years wans.

So let us remember in our hearts
And never forget the good times we’ve shared.
Never forget how gentle their pasts,
And how for them we so greatly cared.

Fly away my sweet Mags.
Fly away my dear Boo.
Do not worry for us.
We know that you’ll wait at the Heavenly gate,
And we’ll see you when the moment is true.


With all our love,
Maggie & Bobbi
22, July 2003
Tracy & Chris