MAGGIE by / Mom, Dad and Willy

Today, June 30, 2003 we put to rest our little Mag-a-Moo. This was the first time for her mother and I to have had to put down a pet. It was very hard and sad, but the Vet and his assistant were so nice. We watched as she went to sleep. We were alone with her afterwards for a few minutes, saying our goodbyes.

She did bring such joy to us and to little Willy. She would guard the house for us when we would leave and be so excited when we returned. In her final days she could not greet us as she
use to and this made us very sad.

Our little Willy, MaggieÕs brother, will miss her so. When we would take him to be groomed or to the Vet, upon our return Maggie
would not greet us but go over to Willy and put her nose up to
his nose and follow him around, as to say, Òwhere have you
been?Ó I know Willy will miss her as much as we will.

We got her in 1992 to be a companion to Willy and was she ever!
They never fought over food, they shared the same water bowl. Slept in the same house we kept them in while we were
away from home shopping.

She was such a precious little thing. We will miss her and think about her until we are together in heaven forever, because
she was our little Mag-a-Moo and we loved
her with all our hearts.

The night before she was sleeping in our bed and the lights were out and she was having a hard time settling down, so I held her
and as I did the radio was playing ÒYou Are My Precious AngelÓ
and that is when I lost it. I cried myself to sleep.

Maggie, we will be thinking of you always and will miss our Precious Angel so much.

Goodbye, Mag-a-Moo. We will see you soon.


Love You,