Maggie by Sarah

I remember lying there on the floor watching t.v.
when my lifelong friend and
companion Maggie
walked up on my back.
She was declawed and she started
to “massage” my back
she would paw at my back until I stood up.
Sometimes she would nuzzle her nose
into the back of my neck and purr.
I knew right then that she loved me
as much as I loved her.

Maggie passed away on Christmas day
due to old age. She died at the age of 16
the exact same age as me.
It made it my worst christmas ever
but I look back on her life and
I know she lived a happy and long life.

I know it is very hard to loose a pet.
They become your closest friends.
But I imagine that she went on to live
another life in heaven.
I know I will see her again
but until then she will watch down on me
and that makes it easier to go on without her.
In Memory of a great masseuse and friend Maggie.

I love you baby and
I’ll see you again someday.
With all of the love
that I hold in my heart,

Your companion through life
and beyond,


