Mandy by Nancy, Chip, Lindsay and Connor / Your Mom

Mandy, it is hard to imagine that you are no longer with us. You were not just a pet, you were a family member. You were here when your “sister” started kindergarten and she is now going to be 17 next month. You were at all of her parties. You were in all of the pictures when we were building our house. You were on vacations with us. You were waiting when we came home from the hospital with Connor, now 7.

You were the first “baby” for your Daddy and I. The silence here is so painful and hard to bear. We all loved you dearly and will miss you forever. My only comfort is knowing that your pain that came on so quickly is over and that you are hopping like a rabbit on the clouds the same way you always did in the yard. We love you baby.


17, Oct 2005
Nancy, Chip, Lindsay and Connor