Marty by David Yanito / Daddy

July 13th 2009 was the saddest day in my life, My Marty Man passes away. Marty was only 4 years old and we were so very close.
It was early February 2006 when Marty and I first met at the Petco store in T^ucson. It was an instant bond; I sat there on the floor for fifteen minutes with him. It was like he knew me forever, then my wife and I had to go, leaving Marty behind as he squawked as I left. I came home from work on Feb. 14th,2006 Valentines day and I walked through the door to the biggest and best present I have ever recieved in my entire life, it was Marty, my wife saw how we bonded and when I was at work she went to the Petco and bought him for my Valentines gift.

Marty, from that day on you have given me so much joy and love. You tought me so much Marty; I love you. Every single time I kissed you, you turned and said “I Love you” every time. The house is empty without your greeting me when I walk through the door after work. I miss you demanding that I take you out the second I walk in. I miss all the I Love You’s the pretty birds; I miss the kisses the peek-a-boos the come here’s I just miss so much about you and I will never forget you.

I will think and talk to you every single day of my life; for the first time I know what it is like to have a piece of my heart missing and I know it will never heal. Marty, I love you; miss you and always wishing you were here with Daddy. I know that was you visiting me the morning you passed and thank you, Marty man. I will see you again some Day in Heaven. Thank you for the greatest times of my life.
I Love you my Marty Man.


I Love You, Marty.
David Yanito