Rosie by Jules and Izzy / Izzy

Rosie the kitten, you left us too soon. She came from a nearby farm, with her sister Tamsin, which their half-sister Kitty had also come from. Although she was only with us a few months, they were joyous few. Wherever Rosie was, Tamsin would be there too, and vice-versa, with Rosie alway acting as the ‘leader’. The two would often happily snuggle up on someone’s lap together.

Roise was hit by a car whilst I was away. My mother told me when I cam back. Tamsin was devistated, and as a result, became a bit of recluse, not liking sitting on people’s laps, or being picked up any more. It’s only a few months ago (now that a couple of years have passed), that she’s started to get better, and permits being fussed slightly, and may sit with you for a while.

We’ll see you again Rosie in heaven, and when we do, I’m sure that you’ll snuggle up with Tamsin on our laps.


Until we meet again,
Jules and Izzy