Max by Jeff and Colleen Roney / Your Momma and Daddy.

We chose Max, but Max chose us also. We rescued this black and tan dachshund from a shelter, and we loved this dog for 8 months. The greatest 8 months of our lives. He was our “Boy, boy, boy”, and our “Puppethead”. He loved to run and play, get his tummy scratched, and snuggle with Momma on the couch.

We loved to love him, and he loved us back. We will never forget his claws scampering down the hall, his collar jingling, his vocalizations, his kissing licks, so many things. When the paralysis of his hind quarters become evident, we cried, and prayed. We wish we had more time with him, but we treasure all the time that we did have with him. He was a gift that shows us more of God’s love. We know that he is now running full-speed down the halls in Heaven, waiting for us to arrive. We are coming boy. Keep our mansion safe. We will see you as soon as we can.
God will take care of you til then.


With all our love boy,
Jeff and Colleen Roney