Max by Manker family / Your Grandma

I am writing this story for Max who was my Granddog. Max came to my son Chris and his family almost 5 years ago. He was a blue merle Sheltie that a friend of mine found out was being given away to a good home. My son’s family went to see Max and before you know it Max was in the back seat of the jeep and on his way to New Freedom. He fit right into the family and loved to be there. He was never mean and always kind to everyone he met. Max was loved very much by Josh and Brooke and Lexi and his Mom and Dad and Grandparents. He was always calm and just seemed to be very relaxed most of the time.

He loved his home and he loved his family. His favorite thing was b r e a d. That boy loved to eat bread. I always told him he took after me because I love it too. Many days Max would figure a way to steal the bread off of the table and one day took the loaf up to Josh’s room and all that was left was a few small pieces and some of the wrapper. Max loved to eat. He was always trying to find ways to find candy. He also loved when his Daddy cooked him some steak and shared it with him. Max felt bad from time to time and there was never anything specific they could find wrong with him.

In August of 2006 he started to feel bad and was taken to the vet. She suspected Cushings disease and also something else with his spleen. An ultrasound showed a very bad gall bladder and with him not being in the best of health we felt the surgery too risky and painful for him to endure. On August 17 at about 6pm Max died peacefully with his head on his Grandma’s lap. His suffering was gone and he is at peace now.

We are all very sad for our Max because he was a good dog and was only 6 1/2 years old. We will forever remember Max and how he loved to lay on the air conditioning vent and sleep. He was a good pet and will be sadly missed by all of his family and friends. Rest in peace dear Max. Max is buried in his backyard that he loved and will always be close to his family there. His gentle ways will always be remembered by all of us and our tears will turn to smiles as we remember Max and all the love he gave to each one of us.


We will never forget you Max and we love you so very much.
Manker family