Max by Scott Hudson / Scott

Six years ago during the darkest of times a little kitten was born. Without a mom to take care of him I took on the task. Max needed me at the time and I needed something to love and care for. It was a divine intervention. Max moved to the east coast with me. Life seemed to be going so well.

One week ago Max started acting funny, he was shedding more than normal, he was pale, something was not right. I took him to the animal hosptial and found out he was very sick.

That evening he had to be put to sleep. When I arrived at the vet I had cried the whole way there. When they brought him in so I could be with him when he died. He nuzzled his head in my chest like
he used to and passed away.

He was showing me his love
all the way to the last moment of his life.

I will forever be thankfull
for him and I know one day
we will meet again.


With the deepest love,
Scott Hudson