McKayla by Dell Rae Jones / Mom, Dad, Kylee and Karlee

McKayla came to us in the summer of 1996. She had been abused and was kinda shy at first. It didn’t take long for her to figure out that we were here to love her and not hurt her. She was the best dog anyone could have ever asked for. She was so good with my 2 girls ages 3 & 2. She has only been gone for 2 days and I still can’t quit crying. My girls still think I have to go to the doctor to bring “Mookayla” home. It just doesn’t feel right not being able to go outside and bring her in the house for some puppy kisses. Making the decision to put her down was the hardest thing I’ve had to do in my life, but now she is not sick anymore and can run free with her playmate “Spike.” I know we will see each other again, and until then I know she will forever be by my side.


McKayla you are gone but not forgotten.
We Love You.
Dell Rae Jones