Midget by vVcky / big sister Vicky

We had Midget from when he was jus 6 weeks old. The most tiniest, cutest thing you could ever see. He was perfect.

Midget was full of energy, and he was growing up to be a right little stud. Everyone who knew him loved him to pieces.

He was such a clever boy, who loved singing. His favourite song was s club party, by s club 7. Evertime this song came on he would bark
his lil’ head off.

Midget loved goin for walks, especially in the snow. But he didnt really like the rain, and if thre was a puddle on the ground, no matter how small, he would walk round it.

Unfortunately Midget bacame ill, his stomach bloated up and eventually so did his legs and neck. We took him the vets and the vet said it was gas. He gave him an injection, but the swelling didnt go down. So we took him back, and still he gave him some antibiotics, and still the swelling didnt go down. Finally, we took him back again and this time he saw another vet at the practice, and she diagnosed him
with congestive heart failure.

He was put on heart and water tablets, because the fluid had filled his lungs so he found it hard to breathe. A day later he was better already, his breathing had improved and the fluid was moving.
But all that changed.

According to the vets, Midget had stopped responding to the treatment, and told us there was no chance of him surviving. They said we could either put him to sleep, or leave him to go naturally, but they said that would be slow and he would feel as if he was being suffocated. Obviously we didnt want him to suffer so we put him to sleep.

But none of this would of happened if the vet had looked at him properly, and diagnosed him properly. He shouldnt be a vet for what he did to my lil baby Midget.

I just hope now that Midget is at peace, where no one can harm him now. I will always love Midget and i miss him so much. I would do anything to have him back. I just hope he knows how much everyone loves him. I LOVE YOU MIDGET xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

