MIDNIGHT by Dolores & Bill Phoel / Dolores, Bill, Brandy, Kensey and Lloyd

According to the Monmouth County SPCA:

“Apparently, his owners didn’t embrace these words of poet Robert Browning because at age 12, Midnight is suddenly homeless and alone, given up when his lifelong family simply didn’t want him anymore. This diminutive Chihuahua/terrier mix still has a lot of living to do since, among small dogs, 12 is merely middle-aged. We’re hoping to find a new family for Midnight who will better appreciate the wisdom and nobility he has gained over time and who will cherish the opportunity to spend the coming years together with him. We believe that, for Midnight, the best is truly yet to be.”

While you were at the shelter you became a friend of “Lloyd”. On April 3, 2002 we were there to take him home with us and because you were such a good friend of Lloyd’s we ended up taking you too.

You were always underfoot and a fast mover, even though you had a rear knee cap that was badly arthritic. That didn’t stop you, as you ran on three legs whenever it bothered you. As you became part of our family you realized Kensey (a Cockatiel) was a friend and Brandy (mix Lab) in her lady like way was also your quiet buddy. You always wanted to snuggle and were free with your kisses. You paid as much attention to us as you would to Lloyd, running after his feet and jumping up to give him kisses.

On March 16 you began to show signs of a neurological problem. Even though you slowly became paralized on your right side you fought as hard as you could and got around by using your good side and scooting on your paralized side. On March 26 you had a grand mal seizure, we knew it was time to end your suffering. We didn’t have you for very long but you entered our hearts and we know you had the best during your last year of life.

As you cross the rainbow bridge and join one of your other friends, Dover who left us 7 months ago, you will be made whole again.


We will miss you,
Dolores & Bill Phoel