My two beautiful guineas, Milkshake & Mazey. We got Milkshake after my friend realized the two ‘females’ she bought were actually one male and a female. She had a baby boy. My friend kept the baby boy and dad and I got Milkshake. But a while after having her, I found 4 fluffy babies hiding behind her. Two white, one black and brown and one black. There was one girl, the black one, I named her Mazey. There was also Elvis, Alfie and Crumpet.
We kept Mazey (as she was the only girl) and gave the brothers away when they were ready. Mazey was adorable and very loving. They both adored each other. After many happy years later, Mazey wasn’t eating. Her teeth had a grown too long and we took her to the vets. They kept her in after night. Next day, I went to school and spent the day quite worried. I came back and got the news Mazey was put to sleep at the vets. We received her in a box and looked at her, she looked peaceful and asleep, we buried in the garden next to some flowers.
When Mazey was gone I was very upset. Milkshake seemed OK, I think she new her baby wasn’t well and might not return. I asked if her mum could stay with her at the vets but they said no. Mazey hated to be alone so I was quite upset with this. She died alone in a very strange place with people she didn’t know. A few months later, Milkshake was getting ill and eating less. Old age had come. She had moments were she struggled lifting her legs. I searched the Internet and found out about these tablets called Potters Tabritis tablets. They help stiff joints and you could give them to guinea pigs through a syringe, you split the tablets in half, crush them then mix them with water.
I was going to get them but Milkshake didn’t seem too bad at the moment so I left it for a while. A week passed and Milkshake’s health had decreased rapidly. She couldn’t move her legs at all and she could barely lift her head. We researched guinea pigs old age more and found out that you needed to keep them warm. We used our geckos head mat under her bedding and she loved that. She wasn’t well at all.
I noticed when she lay flat on the heat map how thin she was. I sent my mum out to get the tablets from a health shop and when she came back, Milkshake was breathing very heavily. We gave her the tablets through a syringe and she loved the taste. But I knew it was too late for Milkshake and she died later that night next to me. At least she died with us at home with people she knows. I regret alot not buying the tablets sooner, I heard they help very much.
I will miss my guinea pigs very much and I love them to pieces. I hope now they are together and very happily living in peace with all the cucumber and greens you could eat. I hope Mazey isn’t alone, I hope you two have found each other. Rest in peace my lovelys.
Mazey – 16th October 2008
Milkshake – 2nd January 2009
I'll never forget you two,
Milkshake & Mazey |
Cat |