Minnie by Debbie, Ellen, Adam / Debbie, Ellen, Adam, Scroungy, Lenny, Lucy and Boy

To Minnie,

Death is just a part of life. Your 16 years came to an end yesterday February 7, 2006 and it was so hard to say goodbye. We love you very much and we miss you. We were all with you in the end holding you. I’m sorry you suffered, we didn’t want to let you go and we felt that you were still enjoying life, even if just a little laying outside on the grass. We didn’t want to see you go. Now you’re in Heaven, whole and healthy again, with plenty of food and grass to play in and friends. Betty and Grandma and Lucky are all there if you get lonely.

We’ll all see you again one day, especially Debbie, she’ll be looking for you, you are her good girl. I’m so thankful to GOD that you were with us for such a long time. You were always strong and tuff and playful and loving. You were never afraid of anything (except the flash from the camera maybe) and we always felt safe with you Minnie. I remember how you would come over and hide you head, or play with Lenny, or bite Scroungy if she barked too much:), or chase Ball and shake your paw and I would sing minnie, min and you’d like it and we’d call you the beast or the bear. You were always a good dog Min, and we all love you very much sweetheart.

Be happy and know that you’ll always be in our hearts. Thank you GOD for looking after her. We miss you Min and we love you.


With Love Always,
7, Feb 2006
Debbie, Ellen, Adam