Missy by Simon and Tricia / Love : Mom, Dad and Kittles

I miss my Missy so much it has been 2 days since she has been gone. I am so extremely sad because she was an indoor cat, and my boyfriend (Simon) said not to let her out but is was so nice out. My friend came over and said she was in the back lane, Missy came up to me, and I said if she did that again she was grounded and she meowed. Then I noticed that she was not coming back, so me and my friend walked and I found her hit by a car. I picked her up and sat there hugging her,then I rushed her to the hospital, but she was gone. I miss her so much I can’t stop crying. I wish this never happened. I am so lonely now, and all I can think about is her. My other cat Kittles crys at night now and looks everywhere for her. She is so sad too!
I love you Missy and will remember you forever, you were the smartest and prettest cat ever.
Love you Mismis!


Love you always and see you in heaven
Simon and Tricia