Misty by Rick, Michelle & Brittany / Carole

I remember the first day you came up to our house to visit. You were so small that Kevin put his Giants cap over you and you disappeared! But soon you grew into a beautiful, best tempered dog. You always had to be tied when you were outside whether at home or staying with us because you always were so curious as to
what was beyond your boundaries.

Then along came Brittany. Coco did not tolerate her as well as you, but it didn’t take long and you and her were “best buddies”. Misty, when you became so sick I was so hoping your outcome would be better than Coco’s. But the day came when you just couldn’t tolerate the illness any more. You will be in our hearts forever.

Now it is time for you, Coco & Max to be re-united
until we all can cross
Rainbow Bridge together.


Forever in our hearts,
Rick, Michelle & Brittany