
Nov. 1993 ——– Jan. 28 1999

Long Haired Cat

Mittens how do I find the words?

From the first time I saw you I knew that you were going to be mine.

As soon as you came home with me you told everyone that I was

YOURS and NOBODY was going to hurt me.

You were my protector. You protected me from mice spiders bees

and any other would-be assailants.

You always saw me off to school and played with my pencil when

I tried to do my homework. You comforted me when I cried and I

played with me when I laughed. You practically killed yourself worrying

about me when I was in the hospital and protected me when I came back.

You always protected me but when it really counted I couldn’t protect you.

I tried Mittens I really did. I pleaded with Dad.

“Just don’t make me have him killed. He’s all I’ve got.”

I’m sorry Mittens.

I didn’t realize you were in pain. I hated seeing you hurt.

I didn’t realize you were freezing to death.

I would wrap in all the blankets if that would help.

I didn’t realize that your body was failing.

Mittens believe me I would have taken the cancer from your body and

made you well again if I could. For six years you protected me loyally

and I didn’t realize it.

You’re in my heart always getting me through each day.

Oh and Mittens stay away from the window ledges.


