Monkey by Charlotte Johnson / Mom

You are my best friend, You allowed me to love you I will do so forever. I miss your sweet face, your bark that sounded like you were talking and your kisses. I want forget the way you would look at me with those little eyes and say “I Love You”.

I still hear you knock on the door and I caught myself getting up to go to the door. I miss you and wish I could bring you back, I am sorry I never meant to hurt you please forgive me.

You will always be in my heart and I will never forget you, you were my best friend when no one else was I could always count on you to be there. My Best Friend we will meet again one day
and I will hold you once again.

This is a poem that I wrote for Monkey I will never forgive myself for the accident that took his life I can’t get it out of my head and no matter what everyone says it was my fault had I just stopped and waited it would have never happened. He loved me so much that he would always run to the truck to beat the Great Dane that I have and as soon as I would open the door they would fight over me.


With a broken heart I will always love you,
Charlotte Johnson