Mpho by Laura Looch / Your People

My husband, my daughter, my father-n-law and I were taking a walk through Wonderboom Nature Reserve (Pretoria, South Africa) when suddenly I heard or sensed something behind me. I turned around and there, at my heels, was the scrawniest, tiniest little white puppy I had ever seen. She obviously had some terrier in her; her coat was rough and she had little whiskers. But her eyes were dark and huge in her little face, and as I picked her up gently she looked trustingly into my eyes, and I knew that I was not putting this little girl back down.

She was our second rescued puppy, and she will always have a very special place in our hearts. We are busy building a memorial garden for her, a place for us and our remaining dogs to visit her and each other, to relax, to be happy, to think of her as she was—quiet, undemanding, gentle, loving, solicitous. When I burned my hand, she took it upon herself to keep it clean. When I bathed her, she sat utterly still and trusting; she didn’t like the bath but she loved the cuddling afterwards.

She slept with me and my husband; she was happiest lying between the two of us, under the covers.

When my daughter wanted to know WHY Mpho had to die, I told her that God must have needed her there. Maybe there was a little girl who needed a gentle, loving, nurturing dog…and Mpho was the best at that.


All of our love,
Laura Looch