Muschi by Heidi / your best freind

On Monday May 12th I put my beloved Cat Muschi to sleep. Muschi had been with me for 20 1/2 years. I was 8 years old when we got her. We grew up and played together. She was my best friend and beloved family member. She was part Siamese, very beautiful and extremely loyal. We had a very special bond. Two years ago I married and moved away. I missed Muschi a lot, but knew her home was at my parent’s house. When I was home for Mother’s Day, I knew something was wrong with Muschi, and she did not seem herself. When I called my father Monday morning, he said Muschi had taken a turn for the worse, she was no longer able to stand or lift her head. I rushed to be by her side. My mom had told Muschi that I was on my way, and Muschi tried to raise her head. When I arrived I found her lying on her favorite blanket, looking as though she was giving up on life. I gave her a kiss, held her, and she tried to purr. I knew it was time, and wanted her to feel no pain. My father and I took her to the vet, I held her and told her it would be ok, as I watched her take her last breathe.
We buried her with her favorite blanket in a wooden box my father had made. We put her in the garden, her favorite place to explore. I cried constantly the whole day, missing her, feeling like I had lost a part of me. I realize that she had taken care of me just as much as I had taken care of her. That evening while I was trying to fall asleep, I heard a purring noise next to me. I opened my eyes expecting to see Cooper our cat. He was nowhere to be found. I closed my eyes again and heard the purring. “ Muschi” I called, and the purring became louder. I took this as a sign that she was ok, and a burden had been lifted from me. The whole experience has been extremely painful, but the wonderful memories we shared together are beginning to help me heal.
I remember how tiny you were when we first adopted you
I remember how I dressed you in doll clothes
I remember how you chased me up the stairs to bed at night
I remember how you tuck me into bed and stayed until I fell asleep
I remember how you met me on the sidewalk, when I came home from school
I remember how you watching me dance around the room to Bon Jovi
I remember how I caught you eating my Roast Beef with the bun tossed off to the side
I remember your favorite food turkey, turkey, turkey
I remember how you knew when there was turkey in the refrigerator, and wanted nothing else but turkey to eat
I remember camping out in a tent with you and my friends
I remember how you listened, while I practiced my speeches for school
I remember how you were there for me when I lost my sister
I remember your favorite toy, a fishing pole with any toy tied to the end
I remember your fiesty attitude when you wanted things your way
I remember many nights when you escape outdoors wanting to explore
I remember how you loved to spend time in the garden
I know you will forever be with me.
I feel very fortunate to have been able to have such a strong bond with a special cat, something may people will never experience.
I Love you Muschi.


with love