My 18 Babies by Debbie & Jeff Wasson / Mommy & Daddy

This Poem is for my 18 cats: Bullitt, Bandit, Turbo, Tazz, Torrie, Stripe, Thelma, Louise, Rusty, Cleo, Foley, Pepper, Tuxie, Timmi, Shadow, Sabre, Misty and Mandy.

These were all stray or rescue cats that we fell in love with and would never even consider finding other homes for them. We have no kids and they became
our children and our life!
We had financial trouble and I also developed asthma – we tried to find shelters with any room available and no matter how hard we tried, we could not find them homes.

We asked God for HIS advise and he gave us direction on what to do – We trusted in HIS advise and
left the decision up to HIM.
So today, August 29, 2003, we had to have the shelter come and pick them up and my 18 babies were put to sleep – The vet agreed that it was the most humane thing we could do.

Our pain is so great, but we have so many memories to last a life time – And we know they are in Rainbow Bridge awaiting the day we join them, too!
Then we will all cross over into the light into Heaven and our family will be complete again!


Remember - treat you animals as if they were people -
you never know what is going to happen.
My 18 Babies
29, August 2003
Debbie & Jeff Wasson