Nikki by Lillian Taylor / Lillian

My brother brought Nikki into our lives when I was 15 years old. When my parents came home and saw her in the living room with us, they thought she was a baby pig because of her big pudgy face and squiggly tail. She quickly became a huge part of our family with her easy manner and loving nature. She’d go everywhere with my brother and I, and took turns sleeping in either of our beds each night.

When we got older and moved out of the house, I always thought Nikki felt left behind. My parents took very good care of her and Nikki wasn’t a dog that adapted well to change, so we decided it would be best to leave her in the house where she grew up. We all live very close to one another so I saw her every weekend, and still took her for walks and rides in the car. I knew she was growing old and her time would eventually come.

I just saw her the other day and she seemed fine. But a couple of days later she decided it was her time. My mother called me at work to tell me Nikki wasn’t doing well and I rushed to the vet to see her, hoping I’d get a chance to say goodbye, and even holding out a bit of hope that she’d pull through. But I didn’t make it in time. My brother did though, and I’m glad he was there with her when she quietly slipped away.

I will never forget this beautiful animal. She was an amazing piece of me and I cannot believe she is gone.


Now she's my little angel in heaven.
Lillian Taylor