Petie by Carol / Your Family, Carol, Jasmine & Don

Petie is gone.
Petie was our family friend
and one of the sweetest pets
I have ever owned.

The day Petie came into my life was a sad day. Her former owner had left her tied to a dog house with barely one foot of rope. Her dog food was molded and rotting.

You see this careless owner left his dog to fend for it’s self while he took a trip. My kind neighbor informed me about this sad dog.
I went and untied her.

I took her to my home and
gave her fresh food and water.

When her owner returned I simply told him I was keeping the dog or calling the humane society.
Needless to say he backed away and I had found a friend that I feel was better than most of my human friends.

She lived a good life.

Petie’s health had been failing for quite some time. Today the angels came and took my 15 year old baby home.

She was good to all other animals human and pets alike not one person that meet my precious baby failed to like her.

I had many comments on how they would take her if I ever wanted to get rid of her. Of course that was not happening.

How some people think that pet grief
is wrong and not normal is beyond words.

My daughter’s heart is broken and so is mine.
She went beyond what was required of her as a family pet. This dog was smart and very protective and lovable.

Today is a very sad day in our home and
most likley will be for some time.

If you still have your beloved pet
give them a big hug..

Petie we will always miss and remember you.


Our Forever Love,